How differently abled can be educated on COVID-19

In view of the novel coronavirus crisis in India, people with visual impairment need to be educated through audio awareness programmes, facial expressions and braille scripts about the do's and don'ts to protect against the deadly virus that has killed 10 people in India, health experts said on Tuesday.
According to Dr S.K. Mundhra, Internal Medicine, Saroj Superspecialty Hospital in New Delhi, differently abled people have to be really cautious and have to be completely restricted at home.
"They need to be educated through posters, facial expressions, caricatures so that they can understand the importance of frequent hand wash, proper diet, close mouth while coughing or sneezing and other self-hygiene. A People with visual impairment need to be educated through audio awareness programs and braille scripts," Mundhra said.
Braille scripts is a tactile writing system used by people who are visually impaired. It is traditionally written with embossed paper.
Amid the coronavirus spread, which has infected more than 450 people and killed nine individuals in India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday took to Twitter shared a link on information regarding coronavirus in sign language to help differentially-abled people.
Narendra Saini, Chairman Scientific Committee at Delhi Medical Council, said that differently-abled can be of different kinds, one is mentally disabled and the other is physically disabled.
"People with a physical disability can be educated in the same way as all are made aware. But for the mentally disabled, it is important to inform and aware of their families. Family plays a vital role in this transaction of information as they are completely dependent on the family members," Saini, told IANS.
"Though differently-abled people are also equally vulnerable to the infection, being devoid of self-dependency, they are unable to take care of themselves and hence it becomes the duty of their caretakers to educate them and take complete care," Saini added.
According to Samir Parikh, Psychiatrist and the Director of the Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences, Fortis Healthcare: "Parents and guardian who has been communicating with them should take the lead and help them understand the situation because parents are the best people to able to sensitize and help the differently-abled."
"Parents should also ensure hygiene is maintained. All of us should also contribute to the wellbeing of the society especially for the vulnerable ones," said Parikh.