Your weight gain may be linked to Food Sensitivity

30 May 2020 - Weight loss is a sensitive topic for a lot of us and at some point in our lives, we are constantly trying to fix our weight and in the hopes of becoming healthier, can resort to varied methods to aid in the cause. Food allergies and sensitivity to different food items may be affecting our health in many ways.
Food Sensitivity is a widely spoken, but often ignored phenomenon where what can kill you is a considered an allergy, whereas, what is not detected is nothing to worry about. People tend to live their lives comfortable with the fact that there may be foods that they are allergic to, but avoid it entirely with the notion, "Ignorance is Bliss".
There is a spectrum of allergies people can have, some may be delayed, other immediate. Immediate food allergies, as the name suggests, have immediate reactions, anaphylactic shock, vomiting, diarrhoea or hives and rashes. Delayed allergies take time and built over time and manifest over time, showing repetitive symptoms caused by the allergic food items that don't work for the body which we often mistake as mild reactions to food like indigestion, recurring sinus, joint pains, constipation, insomnia, asthma, headaches, and general irritation. If developed overtime, minutely and silently, these delayed allergies can develop into autoimmune diseases if not dealt with, over time and affect the immune system.
Weight gain is a common factor for food sensitivity. Those who reach a point of stagnation with weight loss usually have underlying food allergy issues and once detected, can aid in the process. The reason food allergy tests are more prominent and recommended is that allergies tend to cause inflammation in the digestive tract, making them less efficient with time. This causes food to break down much slower and essential nutrients are lost and excess calories are burnt ultimately, although the body doesn't get fulfilled.
The easiest way to a healthy body is to keep a check on your metabolism requires awareness of what goes in, what it does and how your body responds to it. Food allergy tests are easier to obtain and the results give you a better understanding of what may be the underlying issue to so many health obstacles.
Getting a blood test at the concerned hospitals/labs/nutritionist/doctor/ dieticians that specialize in food allergies can be the first step to being healthy. Going dairy and gluten-free for a few weeks helps in cleansing the body and also gives the digestive tract time to heal. Most diets recommend the same but a more focused approach can help in determining your roadblocks. You could even proceed to eliminate other allergens like nuts, citric foods, soy etc and monitor your body's reaction to healthier, consumable items. Getting a professional opinion is most crucial before taking a drastic step as they may be able to distinguish what foods you are most allergic and mildly allergic to. Some food items are necessary for nutritive value and one may be able to calculate a balanced diet out of the results.
Food allergies are common in a lot of people and staying on top of your health can help you take control of your body and prevent or delay the onset of various health issues. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, getting some form of physical activity daily and clean eating is the best way to live a long, healthy life.
Consulting your doctor is advised highly.